SIPAD VIU's Degree of Equivalence Mapping

In an interconnected world where learning transcends traditional academic boundaries, there arises a need for a system that recognizes and equates diverse educational experiences to standard academic degrees. The 'Degree of Equivalence Mapping' at SIPAD Virtual International University (SIPAD VIU) is a pioneering initiative designed to bridge this gap, ensuring that non-traditional learning and professional experiences receive their deserved academic recognition.

  • The Degree of Equivalence Mapping serves a dual purpose:
    1. Validation: To acknowledge and validate non-formal, informal, and professional learning experiences, ensuring they are recognized within the broader academic framework.
    2. Standardization: To provide a clear, structured mechanism that maps these diverse learning experiences to their equivalent formal academic degrees, such as diplomas, bachelor's, or master's.

  • Methodology:

    1. Assessment: A comprehensive evaluation of the candidate's non-traditional learning experiences, be it through professional workshops, self-taught skills, or on-the-job expertise.
    2. Mapping: Post-assessment, these experiences are mapped to their corresponding academic equivalences using a standardized framework. This mapping considers the depth, breadth, and rigor of the learning experience in relation to formal academic curricula.
    3. Awarding: Based on the mapping, candidates are awarded credits or even full degree equivalences that reflect their learning journey.
  • Benefits:

    1. Recognition: Ensures that every form of genuine learning, irrespective of its source, is acknowledged and celebrated.
    2. Career Advancement: By translating non-traditional learning into formal academic recognition, candidates can leverage these for further studies or professional opportunities.
    3. Lifelong Learning: Reinforces the idea that learning is continuous and can happen outside traditional academic settings.

  • Scope:

    The Degree of Equivalence Mapping is not limited to any specific field or discipline. Whether it's arts, sciences, technology, or humanities, any genuine learning experience can be assessed and mapped to its academic equivalent.

    The Degree of Equivalence Mapping at SIPAD Virtual International University (SIPAD VIU) is a testament to the university's forward-thinking approach and commitment to inclusive education. It stands as a beacon for all those who believe that learning is boundless and that every educational journey, no matter how unconventional, deserves recognition and respect.